JUANA embodies the potency of life — a call to own your prime inside and out.

Read our Philosophy

Harness the power of Cannabinoids

Behind The Science

With biotech precision, JUANA fuses potent botanicals and clinical-grade actives to create rejuvenating skincare that energizes and visibly transforms sensitised skin through bio-stimulation.

Scientifically proven and ultra-clean, our formulations stimulate—not simulate—your skin’s natural ability to repair, regenerate, and optimize itself.

Radiate boldly.

Dr Juliane Stüven

Head of Dermatology

Lanserhof Sylt, Germany

“CBD is great at reducing skin inflammation. I recommend JUANA CBD products to my patients after they have had laser treatments, deep peels, or needling therapies as they can help to reduce downtime and swelling, and be used as an at-home treatment.”


*Agreed that skin feels hydrated and nourished


*Agreed that skin feels more balanced


*Agreed that skin looks clear and free from blemishes and imperfections

* Based on a 2-week clinical study of 20 women aged 21-56, conducted by an independent institute.

What is CBD and why do we use it?

CBD is a naturally occurring botanical compound found in hemp that has incredible therapeutic properties. It can effectively reduce inflammation in the skin, alleviating redness, swelling, and discomfort, and promote a clearer and more balanced complexion.

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